The Adventurers

And their beginnings...

J / October 09, 2020

Renvoxlous "Ren" Prodfoot - Tiefling Rogue

Family has always been a fickle thing for me. I’ve never known my birth father and my birth mother dissapeared when I was still a boy. The cold was my only family for a short while after that. That is until the Prodfoots took me in and raised me as one of their own kin, even though I was quickly taller than them. We lived in beautiful Brightcliff and boy did I love that place.

I worked endless odd jobs around town, befriending most everyone I worked for. Once I was of age I decided to make a pilgrimage to the Spiritcrest Chasm and back. The world was something that needed to be explored my family said and thus began my four year pilgrimage.

Upon returning back to Brightcliff, my family’s burrow was empty, looking like it had been for some time. No one in town answered my questions when I asked what happened, all averting their eyes. So I struck out again on my own, to find out what happened to my Prodfoot family.

  1. Personality Traits:
    • The best way to get Ren to do something is to tell him he can’t do it.
    • He knows a story relevant to almost every situation.
  2. Ideals:
    • Freedom.
    • Chains are meant to be broken, as those who would forge them.
  3. Bonds:
    • He fleeced the wrong person and must ensure that this individual never crosses paths with him or those he cares about.
  4. Flaws:
    • He’s convinced that no one could ever fool him in the way he fools others.

Rotanim "Rota" Ret - Warforged Ranger

For as long as I have existed, I have worked to maintain the balance of good and evil in the realms. If either one were to get too strong a foot hold the consequences for the multiverse could be catastrophic. Long ago there was a disturbance on the mortal plane, evil was amassing in great force and shifting the delicate balance I had been working to maintain. However, the sight that lay before me upon my arrival was far more dire than I could have predicted. Once dormant terrors had begun to stir as the scales started to shift in their favor. I found myself in a land ravaged by trolls whose swathe of destruction spanned farther than my optic sensors could detect. I began my work immediately.

For months, I eliminated them one by one, until the scale had begun to balance. Backed into a corner the trolls were desperate, their rage pushed to the brink by the evil force that had awoken them. They ambushed me, using their comrades as bait. Wave after wave came at me until my energy was depleted. With the last remnants of my strength, I smashed the ice we were standing on, causing a glacial cave in beneath us. My intention was to sacrifice myself in a last ditch attempt to maintain the natural order, I never expected to be awoken..

  1. Personality Traits:
    • Mortals are such peculiar creatures, he wishes to learn more.
    • Why walk when you can use a portal?
  2. Ideals:
    • Both good and evil are necessary, what matters is that balance in the multiverse is maintained.
  3. Bonds:
    • He needs Ren alive, at least until the Demon King comes for him.
  4. Flaws:
    • Most problems are insignificant in comparison to those of the cosmos.

Lady Chonka Khan - Dwarven Fighter

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes”

Born and raised a traditional mountain dwarf, Chonka Kahn (shun-ka kha-n) learned the harsh way of life in the unforgiving Basilisk’s Spine Mountains, she became steadfast and ruthless as the ancient mountain range itself. Her strength and tenacity naturally led her to seek greater challenges and joined the fight against the Frost Trolls in the Great War. A student not just a soldier, she is an esteemed and celebrated military strategist, having served the city that birthed her throughout multiple official roles her entire life.

A born leader, forged through combat, having to hone her skills to prove worthy amongst the men who typically reigned over society. Lady Kahn raised above all, in physicality and personality although short in stature her wisdom and strength is felt by her presence alone. A century has passed since the war and little has changed. Being a mind of war not politics, Kahn stayed out of bureaucracy favoring spending her time learning how to maneuver not just the blade but the soldiers who carry them.

Those in power only seek more power. Centuries have passed, as society grows and changes, so do it’s evils. What once was a dutiful job for the noble has become a hand of the rich and powerful. In this land, laws are only as good as those who can enforce it, but who will guard the guards themselves? Chonka Kahn studied all enemies of the state, including the politicians themselves. The rules they swore to uphold no longer confines them, well, if the laws can’t stop a sharp tongue, what strength do they have over a closed fist? As real dangers loom ahead, she swore to protect her people on the mountain so she seeks her own path for real change by any means possible.

  1. Personality Traits:
    • She has a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.
    • Thinking is for other people, she prefers action.
  2. Ideals:
    • Fairness. She never targets people who can’t afford to lose a few coins.
    • Might. In life as in war, the stronger force wins.
  3. Bonds:
    • She would lay down her life for the people she served with.
  4. Flaws:
    • She secretly believes that everyone is beneath her.

Iolair Sky-Touched - Half-Elfe Sorcerer

The wind howled and the snow drifted deep in the Northern mountains the night Iolair was born. His mother Nahia conceived him of Tyr, God of the skies, winds, and war. Tyr appeared to mortals after a glorious battle in the Great War, reveling in the victory. A chance meeting resulted in a child with a divine soul, connecting Iolair to immense power by birth.

Iolair grew up moving from small settlement to small settlement with his mother, living simply and never truly having a home. The great expanses of the North were more comforting to Iolair than any stone street or wooden door. He never knew his father, and Nahia would only tell Iolair that he was a special child, more important than he could ever know.

On the eve of her passing, Nahia told Iolair about his father and the origins of the magic within him. The next day Iolair left any civilization behind, confused and grieving. He lived on his own, a hermit in the wilds, attuning to the powers he’d always had, but had never fully embraced. Iolair found how to channel divine and arcane power alike, focusing it through the shaft of a large feather. This brought him closer in spirit to the father he had never known, except from stories told by strangers around a fire.

On a frigid, blustery morning, some ten years since his self-imposed exile, Iolair left an offering to the gods on a stone plinth high in the mountains. On that day his fathers presence touched Iolair, revealing secrets long lost in the snows, secrets thought myth by the short lived humans a century after the Great War. Would the giants icy grip extend once again?

Iolair returned to the civilized world, knowing he had to aid his father as Tyr’s flesh and blood. He had much to learn and information to gather. Perhaps the winds of war would return again.

  1. Personality Traits:
    • He is utterly serene, even in the face of disaster, as if the eye of the storm.
  2. Ideals:
    • Greater Good. His gifts are a blessing meant to be shared with all, not merely used for my own benefit.
  3. Bonds:
    • His isolation gave me insight into a great evil that only he can destroy.
  4. Flaws:
    • His isolated upbringing leads him to implicitly trust those professing piety and faith in the gods.

Azu Kar - Forrest Gnome Fighter

A once cheerful and irreverent forest gnome who has become hardened by city life and indentured servitude in Roseport. Hailing from a tribe of captured forest gnomes, Azu was forced to become a member of the City Roseguard. Initially, Azu was hopeful to use his post to become a civil servant and protector of the realm. Through his decades in law enforcement, Azu bore witness to unbridled corruption and oppression of common folk. Unable to desert his post for fear of the safety of his family, Azu committed heinous sins which haunt continue to him well past his 100th year of age.

Azu grew increasingly weary of torturing and executing minor criminals as a show of force. His own wife grew to hate him - and he feared his young son would grow to abhor him as well. One fateful night, the Lord ordered the execution of a young orphan, his wife spoke up and protested. The townsfolk grew restless and began taking up arms, rallied by her cries. Before he could intervene, a Roseguard Commander slit his wife’s throat and the orhpan’s the next. In a fit of blind rage and grief, Azu killed the Commander, unknowingly starting a riot in the town square.

Unable to grieve, Azu had to fight off both townsfolk and Roseguard in search of his son as the city lit up in flames. Facing certain death, Azu was forced to flee the city and postpone his search - a decision he’s regretted since.

Days later, Azu discovers a band of survivors and learns that his tribe was decimated in the failed uprising. Azu has been declared persona non grata by both Roseport and his people. He also learns the bittersweet truth that his son has escaped death after seeking refuge in Temple Kaldrfjell. However, he will never be allowed to see him again.

After bringing dishonor and shame to his family and his people, Azu Kar has lived in exile in the mountains and forests surrounding Roseport for years, killing every last mercenary and bounty hunters sent after him as a wanted person.

His lonely search for justice and atonement is the only thing keeping him alive…that and his trusty pet flying squirrel, Roko. His love for his son is what keeps him away from Temple Kaldrfjell, until he hears from passing merchants that the Temple has fallen to an unknown threat. He sets out to investigate.

  1. Personality Traits:
    • He has been alone for some time and is quite socially awkward; this doesn’t stop him from being eager to make new friends and new enemies.
    • He is clever and resourceful, a natural result of surviving in the wilderness as an exiled enforcer. After talking to himself for years, he has become quite witty.
  2. Ideals:
    • All Lords, Nobles, and elites must die, no matter the personal cost. This is the way.
  3. Bonds:
    • Whoever touches Roko without permission or harms him must die. Except for children who find him to be cute. This is the way.
  4. Flaws:
    • Although a patient survivalist who has been self trained in rational and pragmatic thought, Azu is incensed at the site of corruption and injustice, often causing him to act hastily and thoughtlessly.

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