A Heated Discussion with the Boss

Session 14

J / August 24, 2021

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they stood frozen in fear as Tuckerthranx forcefully removed Azu’s head from his shoulders. Enraged, Rota leaps forward with Haste and Misty Steps above the red dragon to make a plunging glaive attack. Tuckerthranx reacts quickly, knocking the warforged prone and biting him in retaliation.

Ren runs forward screaming “This one is for Azu, BITCH” and attacks what he believes to be a “soft spot” between the dragon’s shoulder blades.

From the edge of the molten lava pit, Ioliar speaks the Healing Word: “Lar” and Rota’s lifeforce is replenished. The red dragon bares down on Chonka and Iolair, unleashing a deadly fire breath attack before retreating to the skies. Iolair is downed by the attack, singed and unconscious. Despite her injuries, Chonka rushes back to Iolair’s aid, stabilizing him. She quickly puts out the still-burning sections of his robes before running back to cover.

Rota seizes the opportunity for an assault, Misty Stepping above the red dragon before unleashing a massive Ro-tah Beam. Ren follows suit, attacking the same “soft spot” on the back of the beast’s neck. Tuckerthranx screeches in pain and desperately tries to put some distance between himself and his assailants.

Tuckerthranx bats his giant leathery wings, bludgeoning Rota and pushing him backward before flying upward to a safer distance.

Ren attacks from the shadows again and continues to carve away at the same spot. Screeching in pain, the dragon shakes Ren off his back and the tiefling goes skittering to the edge of the platform. To the rest of the party, Ren appears to have fallen off of the platform and into the lava pit below. At the last moment, Ren grabs the ledge and then stealthily slips into the shadows to recover.

Chonka runs up to flank the dragon and dives behind a pillar for cover. Rota runs over to Azu’s body and snatches up the Channeler’s Spike. Unsure of what to do next and in shock as he watched his tiefling friend fall into the lava pit below, Rota falls to his knees and lets out a mournfully monotone wail, “RRRRRREEEEEEENNNNNNN.”

Tuckerthranx turns toward the warforged with a sinister grin and says “Prepare to be added to my horde fountain, you hunk of scrap metal” and then launches another fire breath attack.

To Rota’s relieved delight, Ren emerges from the darkness and attacks the dragon again. This time, Ren manages to hold on. Tuckerthranx flies upward, smashing his back into the wall of the volcano in an attempt to get Ren off of him.

Ren manages to hold on long enough to restrain one of the beast’s wings with some hempen rope. Unable to fly, the dragon begins to plummet toward the platform below. Ren jumps off at the last moment, tumbling toward the shadows for cover. The entire cavern shakes as the falling dragon slams into the platform with a thunderous crash.

Rota tries to use the Atlas Straps and the Gauntlet of the Ram to push the dragon off of the cliff but the dragon is far too heavy. Bloody and angry, Tuckerthranx attacks in retaliation, slashing out at the centurion with his claws. Rota is knocked unconscious and lands on the ground in a heap.

Chonka dashes into one of the side chambers and dips a handaxe into the fountain of molten gold. She runs back out into the main chamber and throws it as hard as she can. The red dragon shrieks in pain as the molten gold handaxe slices into its hide and immediately sears the wound. Tuckerthranx swings around wildly, smashing his tail into Chonka and sending her flying. Chonka is knocked unconscious as she smashes into the wall and crumples, exhausted.

Realizing that he’s the last person conscious, Ren takes tactical action and casts Darkness on the northern half of the center platform to extend his cover. Tuckerthranx, slashes wildly in the darkness, trying to find his last enemy.

In between dodging attacks from the dragon, Ren notices a vial in the center of the platform; the acid that he collected from inside Jormungandr. He waits for the right moment and sprints out of the shadows. As the Tuckerthranx sticks his head into the darkness, Ren stealthily dashes for the vial and leaps up onto the dragon’s back. Before the dragon can shake him off, Ren rips the top of off the vial and jams the acid into the wound that he carved in the back of Tuckerthranx’s shoulders.

Horrified by the unfamiliar pain of acid dissolving his flesh, the dragon roars and tries to fly upward, desperate to retreat. The dragon struggles and falls to the ground, his wing still restrained by the rope. Tuckerthranx bites at the rope around his wing hurriedly and tears it free before making a break for the opening in the top of the volcano.

Ren sinks to his knees, breathing heavily and thinks to himself, “That was close.” He remains there for some time, looking out at the remains of their hardest battle yet. Iolair, Rota, and Chonka are all unconscious but alive. Azu…decapitated…

Session End.

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