Operation Stunt Doubles and Potato Salad

Session 21

J / December 07, 2021

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had just met with the Court Wizard Erobelle and had just agreed to stop whatever it is in the Lake that is terrorizing Brightcliffe’s citizens.

Much to Chonka’s, Iolair’s, and Rota’s surprise, Ren is just waiting at his burrowhouse apartment when they arrive.

Exasperated, Chonka says, “Ren, you are not going to believe what we just went through.” and proceed to recount their experience at the Capital.

Ren snickers and replies, “So, I wasn’t there when the ol’ Baron said to stop your meddling. That means that I can still meddle right? Surely, SURELY, I can do a little more meddling.”

Determined to continue their investigation, the party heads to the Collegiate district to make some preparations. The party proceeds to the College of Theatre in search of a group of actors that can serve as living alibis, impersonating the party across the districts of Brightcliffe. Ren climbs atop of a large boulder in the college square and says with a booming voice, “WHO WANTS TO MAKE SOME MONEY?”

College students come running from all directions, resulting in a crowd of eager hirees. He scans the crowd for as many “full sets” of the party as possible. Casting Minor Illusion, Ren manifests flashing arrows above the heads of eight students.

Ren flashes a smile and says, “Those of you that have been selected, please remain here. The rest of you, leave. Immediately.”

While Ren is hiring his troop of actors, Rota decides to mingle with some of the students in the courtyard. Sitting on a stone wall a few dozen paces away is a young drow woman with black dyed hair and a jean jacket with the phrase, “DON’T LET THE MAN GET YOU DOWN. THEY CAN’T CONTROL US.” sewn into the back. Rota approaches.

“How does one go about removing the Baron?” Rota asks.

The drow woman takes a long drag of her cigarette and says, “We’ve got to, like, disassemble the patriarchy man. Haven’t you read a book? Or do they not print books in SCANTRON?”

Rota pulls his glaive to the woman’s throat and replies, “I have had a long day today. Would you like to rephrase that?”

The woman chuckles and says, “No need to get flirty tin-man. It’s not easy removing someone with that much power.” and brushes the glaive away.

“Who would be a suitable replacement?” Rota inquires.

The girl replies snarkily, “I don’t, like, know man….but a woman obviously! Men have ruled for far too long. I’ve got to go to class now. Don’t let the man get ya down! Reject the patriarchy!” The girl walks off to class, leaving a frustrated Rota behind.

With their alibis secured, the adventurers turn their attention toward the Lake. That night, they make their way for the docks in the Four Corners. As Ren anticipated, they find an increased presence of the Baron’s guards patrolling the waterfront. They plan to impersonate fishermen and take a boat out onto the Lake, where they can then descend to explore the depths.

“What is the GO word?” Rota asks Ren.

“The word we always use; potato-salad.” Ren explains.

“I’ve told you before Ren, potato salad is two words.”

Ren sighs and says, “Rota, hyphens exist in this universe!”

“DOES NOT COMPUTE. ERROR. ERROR.” Rota responds, chuckling.

They make their way toward the docks and run into a few guards. They show their “papers” and their cover holds. In short order, they find themselves paddling out into the middle of the lake with the full moon lighting their way.

Far away from the docks and the guards that patrol them, Ren casts Shape Water and pushes their boat underwater, aimed downwards toward the deepest part of the Lake.

After some time, their eyes and lungs begin to adjust to being underwater. Before long, they see what must be the remains of Old Brightcliffe at the bottom of the Lake. Several groups of buildings all stand around a domed structure that looks very similar to the Baron’s home in the Capital District. As they approach the underwater city, a deep, sorrowful voice is heard in each one of the party’s minds.


Ren immediately stops the boat’s descent and looks at his friends. “Did you all just hear that?” He asks.

Rota sits back, his shoulders relaxing, and says in an atypical tone, “Another god who seems to think they are the only ones who can pull the strings.”

Ren responds, confidently, “They think we’re walking into a trap, but is they that will be trapped with us.”

They look toward the sunken city and the voice that beckons them. This is certainly what they’ve been looking for. Iolair casts Death Ward on both Ren and himself before they resume their descent.

The adventurers approach the domed building and inspect the front door. It is easily four men tall and appears to be locked. Out in front of the building stands four statues and before them lay a single dagger.

The adventurers investigate the statues and notice the following:

  • The statues each have a letter carved into the back of their necks.
  • Those letters are A, B, C, and D.
  • Each statue has a hole in the side of its neck that is ovular in shape.

As Iolair investigates the statues, the same sullen voice can be heard in their minds.

“If you are worthy of the gifts inside, you must prove your wit, then might.”
“One amongst us a betrayer, you must shower him with light.”
“Choose carefully and finish the liar, as it surely is the killer.”

Ren reaches out and touches the back of the first statue. The same voice speaks within their minds once more.

“Connak was with me when the assassination happened, so he can’t be the culprit.”

Ren proceeds to touch the second statue.

“Dhorduin is known for never ever telling lies.”

Iolair touches the third.

“I was accomplishing a very important task at the time, which makes me innocent. Dhorduin is definitely the assassin.”

Chonka touches the fourth and final statue.

“Agis was acting very suspicious right before we were notified of the crime. Agis is the culprit.”

The booming voice rings in their minds once more, like the tolling of an evening churchbell.

“If you are worthy of the gifts inside, you must prove your wit, then might.”
“One amongst us a betrayer, you must shower him with light.”
“Choose carefully and finish the liar, as it surely is the killer.”

After some time and consideration, Rota stands in front of all four statues, convinced that he has determined the solution to this riddle. A rippling white-hot beam of energy erupts from his chest as he unleashes a Rota-Beam at all four statues. The head is knocked clean off of the second statue. The fourth is broken at the base and topples over.

The adventurers wait in itching anticipation for the dust to settle and…nothing happens.

They look over the statues once more and compare the dagger to the holes in the statues’ necks. Yes, it’s a match in size. Iolair casts Light on the now-removed head of the second statue. Ren moves forward, inserting the dagger into the neck of the statue with the D carved into it. As the dagger clicks into place, it begins to glow red hot and the water around it sizzles furiously.

A cracking, grinding noise can be heard from in front of them as the door of the sunken capital slowly begins to open. Behind the door, the adventurers see nothing but a void of inky black water that is difficult to see through.

Iolair picks up the now-glowing head of the second statue and throws it through the door. As soon as the head passes the threshold of the door, it is engulfed in darkness and cannot be seen again.

The sorrowful voice rings in their minds again, beckoning, “COME. CLOOOOOOOSSSSSEERRRR.”

The adventurers join hands, slowly proceed forward, and disappear from sight as they enter the black void of darkness within.

Session End.

Golden Goof: Ren financing the higher education of local Brightcliff students by hiring living “alibis.”
Golden Chirp: IT’S A TIE.

  • “Haven’t you read a book? Or do they not print books in SCANTRON?”
  • “I’ve told you before Ren, potato salad is two words. Rota, hyphens exist in this universe! DOES NOT COMPUTE. ERROR. ERROR.”
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