Crustacean Conflict

Session 23

J / January 18, 2022

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they emerged from their visions to find themselves surrounded by three chitinous lobster-like creatures with murderous intent.

In the blink of an eye, the beasts are on top of Rota and Iolair, trying to crush them in their giant claws. In a rush of adrenaline, both adventurers wrestle free from their attackers’ vice-like grip. While the creature is distracted, Ren swims forward and gouges it with his dagger before dashing back to the cover of the seaweed.

Nearby, Chonka produces her net and throws it over one of the beasts. The monster screams frustration and claws at it madly, breaking itself free by tearing it to shreds.

After some quick calculations, Rota threads his glaive over Iolair’s shoulder and impales one of the creatures, teleports around another to attack from behind, and then teleports a third time, finishing with a Planar Warrior Strike.

Free from the hungry claws of his enemy, Iolair casts Toll the Dead on the beast that attacked Rota. The sound of a dolorous bell rings through the forest of seaweed. The creature lets out an anguished screech as it’s mouthfull of tentacles writh in painœœ and thick green fluid begins to leak out of what appears to be its ears. With furious determination, the monster lunges for Iolair with both claws. Both find purchase, clamping down on Iolair’s torso and restraining him.

One of the creatures launches an assault on Ren, cutting him with its razor-sharp claws as he slips away. Ren swims away from his attacker and toward Iolair, shoving his dagger into the mouth of the creature that has his friend restrained. The monster lets out a painful screech and Iolair is able to escape from its grasp.

A few feet away, Chonka is holding her own one-on-one with the third beast. The monstrosity tries its best to clamp down on Chonka but she dextrously evades and slashes it with her handaxe in return. Rota launches a teleporting glaive attack once more, gifting devastating lacerations to each creature and then disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Iolair, determined to keep the momentum of the battle in their favor, channels immense arcane power into casting Disintegrate. A giant beam of green light erupts from his fingertips and slams directly into its thorax. The underwater chamber is momentarily filled with the green light that pours from the cracks in the monster’s exoskeleton. Suddenly the creature begins to crumble and its dusty remains are whisked away in the current.

Without hesitation, one of the other creatures lunges for Iolair and Ren. Iolair casts Shield and the claw glances off of the arcane ward. Ren flips the creature the middle finger as he dextrously evades. To add some injury to the insult, Ren attacks with Huginn and Muginn and finds purchase in a critical artery, awarding the beast a calculated and painful death. Ren kicks the carcass away with satisfaction and wipes his blades clean.

Inspired by their mounting success, Chonka utilizes her experience as a skilled tactician and waits for the right moment to exterminate the last remaining monstrosity. As the beast moves forward to attack her, she dodges and swims behind it, grabbing its claw and forces it to close around its neck. The beast struggles to free itself and tries to attack Chonka with its free arm.

Rota points his glaive forward like a knight’s lance at a joust and teleports forward, shoving its blade into the creature’s mouth. The centurion then rips it out and launches a 360-degree swinging slash attack at the beast’s throat. Iolair Tolls the Dead once more. Ren dashes in and slashes it with his daggers, screaming “WHY WON’T YOU DIE GODDAMMIT?!”

Seizing the moment, Chonka slashes at the joint of the creature’s arm twice and severs it from its body. She then combines the severed arm with her handaxe to forge the “Kingler Crab Hammer” and proceeds to beat the creature to death with its own claw.

Session End.

Golden Chirp: “Uhh, rule of cool states this thing should be fucked. Everyone knows sound travels faster underwater.” - Iolair, probably.

Golden Goof: These underwater combat rules be hittin’.

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