Wishes Fulfilled & Nightmares Realized

Session 26

J / March 20, 2022

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had just swam free of the giant whirlpool and found themselves confronted by a very large green dragon. The beast emerges from a massive forest-like growth of green coral that spans the width of the chamber’s north end. The dragon uncurls itself, extending its wings wide, flashes a toothy grin, and says,

“You have made it deep within my — his domain. The…master’s domain. Your journey may not end here, but it will be hindered. I am to kill you now. Prepare yourself.”

As the dragon dashes through the water towards them, Ren casts Phantasmal Force but the beast appears to be unphased by it. Ren dashes to a position behind Rota and says,

“I think he’s pretty intelligent, he did not fall for my spooky tricks.”

The dragon swims forward, rears up, spreads its wings wide, and roars at the adventurers. As its razor-sharp maw opens wide, they notice the beast’s mouth seems to glow with a sort of green energy. Rota and Chonka are disturbed by this sight and become frightened.

The creature lashes out at Chonka with its claws, then lunges toward Iolair and bites him. Iolair looks to his friends and asks,

“Do we just want to get out of here?”

“Nah, FUCK this guy. We can take him. We killed the last dragon we saw, easy” Ren answers.

Iolair extends his arms wide and a ring of energy ripples out from him, traveling outward for some distance. As Iolair’s Mass Cure Wounds spell passes through his companions, their vitality is restored.

Rota looks the beast in the eye and says, “Your vile magics may hold me at bay temporarily, but for now why don’t you play with my pets?” and conjures two giant octopi. One of them immediately dashes for the dragon and tangles its tentacles around it, trying to restrain it. The other discharges a massive amount of ink, obscuring the entirety of the underwater cavern in darkness.

Chonka swims toward the ceiling and produces her Atlas Straps. She looks for the largest stalactite that she can find and it breaks it free from the ceiling. With all her might, Chonka pushes the giant stone spear downward, toward the area where the dragon was before it was obscured in ink. A pained roar can be heard moments after the stone plummets through the inky water.

Ren blends into the darkness of the water and waits for his moment to strike. Iolair casts Minor Illusion and creates a copy of one of the giant octopi.

Rota holds his glaive pointed downward and teleports once, searching for the dragon but cannot find him. Rota teleports again, this time reaching the very edge of the ink cloud, and discovers the dragon writhing frustratedly on the cavern floor with a large piece of stone sitting square on its chest. Rota takes advantage of the moment and plunges his glaive into the dragon’s ribs.

Several dozen feet above, Chonka wraps her Atlas Straps around another stalactite, rips it from the ceiling, and throws it downward. The stone descends rapidly through the water and vanishes from Chonka’s sight as it passes through the sphere of ink. Rota and his two giant octopi just barely dash out of the way as the dislodged stalactite comes crashing down. The beast roars in anguish as the stalactite slams into the top of the stone that holds the dragon pinned.

Ren, hearing the pained screams of the beast below, swims downward and finds the dragon restrained. As Ren casts Shadow Blade, his eyes glow blue, and shadowy arcane energy swirls around his arm until it forms into a magical blade. With his arcane instrument in hand, Ren approaches the beast, plunges it into its neck, and twists the blade around the innards of the dragon’s throat. At this moment, Ren looks into the eyes of the dragon and sees a flash of something satisfying; fear.

In a fit of desperation, the dragon starts beating its wings wildly and tries with all of its might to push the boulder off of its chest. The beast is successful in doing so and the beating of its wings disperses the cloud of ink above. Finally freed, the dragon tries to swim upward and escape its attackers.

Ren, Rota, and the two giant octopi all attack the dragon as it tries to escape. One of the giant octopi wraps itself around the dragon, restraining the beast and preventing it from swimming away.

With the ink cloud dispersed, Iolair casts Toll the Dead and deals a devastating necrotic blow to the dragon. As the beast writhes in pain, both octopi attack it once again, crushing it in the grips of their tentacles. Rota sees his opportunity and unleashes a fury of Planar Warrior Strikes, spinning his glaive around in a flourishing slash attack. As the last slash cuts across the dragon’s chest, its innards spill out into the water and the beast dies.

The party wastes no time in harvesting some of the beast for themselves. Ren claims the dragon’s heart as well as a fang, with the intention of forging a dragon-fang dagger. Rota joins in, taking a claw and an eye for himself. Chonka begins hacking away at a claw, determined to carry it out.

Ren pauses for a moment and tastes the tang of metal on his tongue. With eager curiosity, he Shapes Water, pushes himself through the coral outcropping, and into the next chamber.

As he enters the chamber, he witnesses a sight both exciting and disturbing. The giant fish-squid-like creature, with its many tentacles and toothy maw, is sitting upon the single largest pile of gold Ren has ever seen. The beast is flanked on both sides by giant hammer-head skeleton sharks. Lastly, behind the beast Ren sees two figures that he had both longed to see for years and hoped with all of his being he would not see at this moment; his parents Anne and Henry Prodfoot.

Ren, convinced that what he’s seeing isn’t real…it cannot be real, and turns around to head back to his companions. Upon his return, he looks at them and says,

“Nope, there’s nothing there. Just a room full of a bunch of poop. Nothing in there of interest. At. All.”

Rota enters the cavern beyond the coral upon Ren’s return and does not see a room full of excrement, but instead sees the same as Ren; two sharks, one giant fish-squid-like beast, and two human figures around a massive pile of gold.

Session End.

Golden Goof:


Golden Chirp: It is stalagmites cause you MIGHT be wrong.

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