Journey to the Frozen Maw

Session 02

J / November 17, 2020

Discovered Locations:

Stone Obelisk:

  • A presumably man made stone structure that the party found in the mountains on the way to the Frozen Maw.
  • The obelisk stands around 25 feet tall and 6 feet wide on each face.
  • There are markings all over the Obelisk in a language not recognized. An old language.

The Frozen Maw:

  • A cave within the Basilisk’s Spine Mountains, north of Karstaag.
  • This cave is where Yuron Whitemane said he thinks the missing livestock is being taken to.

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had just left northward out of Karstaag and had ran into a pack of wolves. The party quickly falls into position as the wolves close in. Ren skirts quietly into the darkness while Rota and Chonka ready themselves for a clash of teeth and steel. Rota, his glaive whistling as it slashes, and Chonka, her handaxe confidently finding its home swing after swing, cut down the pack with haste.

Iolair casts Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp, snatching up a few wolves with a giant hand made of twisted earth. Arrows emerge from the darkness, flying silently and ending in a thud as each wolf drew it’s last breath. Ren collects a wolf’s paw for good luck and Chonka peels a wolf’s pelt as her prize.

The party leaves the obelisk behind them and proceed, following a group of tracks through the snow covered valley. From atop a hill, they see an abominable yeti guarding the entrance to the Frozen Maw. Ren’s owl-shaped fiend familiar, Kelly, surveys the area above the frost troll and just inside the cave. Through the eyes of Kelly, Ren sees a large opening with four ice trolls all surrounding a cage like structure and a large winged beast. Ren sneaks wide, avoiding the gaze of the yeti to hide behind a tree. From there, he sees that the yeti is restrained; chained to the post directly behind it. Ren uses Mage Hand to unlock the restraints.

Freshly liberated and very hungry, the yeti charges forward and straight into the remaining party members. They engage, slashing at the yeti and cutting it to pieces. The group works together flawlessly, dispatching the yeti quickly and setting their sights on the entrance to the Maw. Kelly returns from inside the cage with a message for Ren; “Trolls. Restrained. Dragon.” Following the example of his friends, Rota collects a yeti foot for good luck.

As the party enters the Maw, they fall upon a young white dragon that is in the center of a cavern and caught in a dome shaped snare made of antlers, mammoth tusks, and assorted bones. Surrounding the winged beast are four trolls that are jabbing at it with spears.

The dragon, frustratedly lashing out at it’s captors, immediately notices the party and sits back with a devilish grin. The dragon seems happy that trouble has befallen the cave. The group engages the trolls quickly and dodges all but a few thrown spears and slashing claws.

While the trolls are distracted, Rota teleports behind the snare and starts smashing a hole through it. Acknowledging the opportunity, the young white dragon springs from the snare and flies toward the back of the cave in a wide arc. The winged beast dives for the exit to the cave and snatches a troll up as it flies by, crushing it’s head with one bite. The body falls to the ground as the dragon flies out the exit. Ren reaches up and high fives the dragon just as it passes.

On the other side of the cave, Chonka leaps onto the head of one of the trolls and starts pummeling it with her handaxe. The remaining trolls are horrified by how quickly they are losing control of the situation. The trolls quickly meet their fate at the hand of the party. Rota fashions a necklace made of troll ears and wears it proudly. Several beasts defeated and a dragon freed, the party collects themselves. To their back, the only exit from the Frozen Maw. In front of them, several paths with no end in sight…

Session End.

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