Broken Bones & Broken Chains

Session 03

J / December 04, 2020

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had just entered the Frozen Maw, a cave found deep within the Basilisk’s Spine Mountains. Ren scouts ahead to the south and discovers two ice trolls standing over the corpse of an orc, freshly steaming on the frozen surface cloor. The rogue sneaks around the two and gets into position. Chaos erupts as the signal is given; two middle fingers.

With Minor Illusion Iolair floods the trolls’ minds with a ghastly image. Reeling from the sight of a spectral orc rising from the half eaten corpse, the trolls are caught off guard by the amushing adventurers and swiftly meet their death.

In the southeastern corner of the cave, the party discovers a family of trolls. For a moment, all is peaceful. The troll parents watch over their children as they play with the family’s pet owlbear. Ren sneaks around a back hallway and casts Phantasmal Force The scene changes before the eyes of the owlbear and in an instant, it no longer sees the children playing happily but instead one of them hanging limp in the mouth of a rival owlbear. Iolair follows Ren’s lead and casts Minor Illusion to create a deafening owlbear battle cry, plunging the troll family further into the grips of the illusion.

The trolls are horrified as their beloved pet charges into the illusion, attacking without hestitation, mercy, or restraint. The adventurers, unseen by the family, watches the as the nightmare unfolds. After killing a majority of the troll family, the owlbear is defeated. Ren sticks to the shadows as the others emerge from hiding and kill the remaining trolls.

To the west, the adventurers discovers a brutishly engineered mammoth pen that is packed tightly with several of the beasts. They seem to have been used for transportation and hauling.

In the northwestern corner of the cave, the party slides down a hallway to discover two trolls. These trolls are guarding a small trove of treasure (helmets and goblets filled with coin, some pieces of art, and a potion of waterbreathing).

Iolair casts Darkness on the pair and the others get into position. As the trolls come running out the darkness, they are met with glaives, handaxes, and arrows. One of the trolls is pushed into the water. A giant shadow can be seen quickly approaching the surface just moments before the troll is pulled under.

Across the body of water that stands before them, the adventurers discover ten orc children that appear to be prisoners. Determined to break the chains that bind these children, they shuttle the children across the water by raft.

The adventurers liberate the captive mammoths and load the children onto them. There is much left to explore here in the Frozen Maw, but first the children must be brought to safety…

Session End.

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