100 Days of Blood & Steel

Salvation in triplicate

J / December 20, 2020

Lastr Vætta

Day 30: We’ve held off the savages for about a month now. Yesterday another group of refugees came. We pushed the invaders back far enough to get them in. We’re not going to have enough food for everyone, but we have to help them. Kaldrfjell is the last point of safety.

Day 44: That’s the fourth “leader” that we’ve lost. Another brilliant plan gone wrong. I’m starting to wonder if we’ll ever see outside the walls of Kaldrfjell again. Winter will be here soon.

Day 56: They’re…they’re monsters. Someone ran out the gate and tried to sneak past their lines. They dragged him behind a horse. The screams…this hell will never end.

Day 78: Kaldrfjell cannot stand for much longer. I am afraid that any day now, those savages will break through our walls and cut our throats for pleasure. Every night, my exhaustion overpowers my anxious wait for death and I fall asleep to the sound of their war drums.

Day 90: The barbarians broke through the outer wall. We lost so many. The blood… We had to fall back to the Temple. We lost so many. All of our food stores were in the Flower Pavilion. All-seer help us…There’s only five of us now.

Day 96: There may be hope yet! Tonight, three adventurers came from the Undercroft. The shield-bearer opened the doors and pushed back the barbarians. The warrior with the longsword followed, slaying savage after savage with ease. The archer climbed atop the Kaldrfjell Temple, sinking each arrow into one of the bastards that have tortured us for months. They even retreated back beyond the wall. There’s many more where they came from, but we’ve won tonight. Today wasn’t promised. Now tomorrow is a gift.

Day 100: I never thought that I’d survive this long. Our saviors fought for four days and four nights, taking back every inch that the savages gained. We thought we had won when one of our enemies sunk a spear into the shoulder of the archer. Hours later, the shield-bearer was overrun. It took ten men at once to overpower him. Finally, the last champion was outnumbered fifteen to one. After all that they had sacrificed, we couldn’t dishonor them by watching him die. Once more into the fray we charged, attacking without reservation. This was it. We were going to put those bastards down or die trying.

In the end, we were victorious but paid a great cost. All three champions had fallen victim to their wounds. We never even knew their names…The remaining survivors long for sleep, a peace we haven’t experienced in many days. But tonight we bring our champions into the Undercroft. They will be honored. Everything we have, we owe to them. We managed to save the shield, the longsword, and the bow from the battle. We are going to bury them with the Champions. They will be honored…

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