The Journey to Kaldrfjell Temple

Session 05

J / January 12, 2021

Discovered Locations:

Kaldrfjell Temple

  • An ancient temple in the Basilisk’s Spine Mountains, to the east of Karstaag.
  • These holy grounds were once a place of refuge for all who sought it.
  • The temple was ravaged some time ago by various raiding parties.

The Undercroft:

  • The catacombs beneath the temple at Kaldrfjell.
  • Three heroes once defended Kaldrfjell are rumored to be buried here, each with with their own weapon of power.

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they were headed west out of Karstaag in pursuit of treasures promised by Yuron Whitemane. The path to Kaldrfjell takes them through the winding mountains and high-walled fissures in the ice. They find a desolate temple in the snowy mountains that appears to have been ravaged by time and conflict.

Kelly soars from her perch atop Ren’s shoulder to scout the area beyond the decaying wall. Just inside the temple walls, there is a gnome wearing leather armor, animal pelts, and a helmet of elk antlers. The gnome introduces himself as a member of the Roseguard, Azu Kar. He has come to the temple at Kaldrfjell in search of his son, Tommy.

At first, tensions rise between the gnome and the party. They hesitantly agree to investigate the temple together. Lady Kahn shares some of her knowledge of the area. Temple Kaldrfjell is an ancient place of worship that used to house dozens of monks that dedicated their lives to worshipping three of the Old Gods:

Magni: The god of Strength
Modi: The god of Courage
Bragi: The god of Poetry, Music, and master of the Harp

Rota leads the group in exploring the western pavilion. The centurion’s curiousity gets the best of him and he finds his hand stuck in a trap disguised as a treasure chest. Ren manages to set his friend free and almost immediately, Rota runs over to a nearby gong and strikes it loudly despite Ren’s requests not to.

Instinctually, Ren sprints out of the pavilion and out of the temple grounds. As he exits, he runs into six raiders that have climbed down from where they slept atop the cliffs on either side of the footpath.

Buying himself some time, Ren casts Darkness and runs back to his friends to alert them. They have mere seconds to prepare themselves for the incoming raiding party. Rota falls into position and starts cutting down raiders with his glaive. Ren takes out another with a well placed arrow. From afar, Iolair casts Frostbite and Chonka hurls her pike with a commanding strike.

Rota cuts the head of another raider clean off, balancing the severed head on it’s tip. From atop the western pavilion, Azu rains down crossbow bolts while Rota Misty Steps behind the last raider and subdues him.

Interrogation reveals that the attackers are known as the High Peak Raiders, an outfit that has terrorized travelers throughout the various mountain passes, particularly those that are seeking refuge at Kaldrfjell Temple. Azu drives his handaxe into the raider and presses him for information on Tommy. After some additional encouragement, the captive discloses that years ago, something evil had befallen the temple and it’s inhabitants left. The children, and likely Tommy, had departed with them. Satisfied with the information acquired thus far, Rota lobs the captive’s head off.

Our adventurers turn their attention to the temple and Ren scampers up the side to investigate the interior through some windows. Ren gets to the window just in time to see a robed figure approaching the front door.

They are greeted by an old man that is draped in robes of purple and white. This is Elder Maxim; the Temple’s keeper. The party enters a stunningly gorgeous temple that is lined with delicately intricate archetecture, rows of stone benches for worshippers and several groups of columns that stretch 30 feet upwards to an ornately decorated ceiling. On the far end of the temple, there is a statue that depicts a tall and slender huntress gazing out over the edge of a cliff with a longbow in one hand and the other placed confidently on her hip. This is:

Skadi: the goddess of Hunting, the Winter, and the Mountains

The Elder thanks the party for dealing with the High Peak Raiders and corroborates the recently executed captive’s story. An awfully evil darkness has befallen the area beneath the temple known as the Undercroft. He explains that since it was overthrown, people have not been able to come to Kaldrfjell for worship. He alone stands guard in hope that the holy grounds may be restored to their previous glory.

Our adventurers accept this quest with confidence and make camp for the night. For tomorrow they enter the Undercroft at Kaldrfjell…

Session End.

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