From Kaldrfjell, with Love and Tentacles

Session 07

J / February 23, 2021

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had just survived a harrowing battle with a group of specters; monks of Kaldrfjell that had perished some time ago. Quill launches off her perch to go scout ahead at Azu’s command and returns with the following:

Piles of bones. Dark pit. Pool of water. Large beast.

The party heads to the south down a steep incline that is slick with mud and fills their nostrils with a horrid, musty, dank stench. Azu and Chonka lose their footing and slide to the bottom, landing in a murky pool of water. They collect themselves and head eastward.

The putrid stench intensifies as the adventurers enter a wide cavern filled with piles of dead rodents, birds, and other unidentifiable organic matter. Ren and Azu hang back in the shadows as the remainder of the party is attacked. From these mounds of waste emerge two large beasts that have bloated bodies and smell of rot. A multitude of eyes lock in on the party from vine-like appedages that extend from each beast’s head. Pairs of rubbery tentacles stretch out hungrily, eager to pull food into their giant toothy mouths.


Iolair grants a spring to the step of Rota and Chonka by casting Haste. Curiously, Rota scoops up a handful of the organic waste and tries to offer it to one of the monsters, in hope of sweetly lulling it to sleep. It swings a tentacle out at him and he swiftly dodges it and replies with his glaive. Arrows from Azu’s longbow fly into the room and land true. Chonka stabs her pike into one beast and then throws it at the other. The monster runs forward and slams Iolair and Azu into the wall behind them, leaving the two adventurers dazed.

One of the beasts coils a tentacle around Rota, restraining him, and takes a bite out of Chonka. Ren flanks the monsters and fires his crossbow at them. Tentacles lash out at both Iolair and Chonka, coiling around them and leaving them both restrained. From within the beast’s slimy grasp, Iolair casts Banishment and the monster vanishes from this plane of existence. Iolair makes a sturdy landing and grins enthusastically as the tides of this encounter begin to turn. Azu shakes of some slime and fires two longbow arrows at the beast holding Chonka and Rota. The arrows thread the gap between the friends and pierce one of the beast’s eyes. It screeches out in pain and the pair is freed.

The adventurers rally back against the remaining monster with an orchestra of handaxes, glaives, arrows, and magics. The wretched beast fights back desparately, but eventually succumbs to it’s wounds. As they leave, they realize that Chonka’s pike seemed to have vanished along with the first monster.

Before they can finish discussing how to proceed, the other otyugh returns, banished no longer. Before the beast can get it’s bearings, Iolair casts Web and traps it. Rota Misty Steps towards the beast and balances on the pike that protrudes from it as he carves away with his glaive. Azu shoulders his bow and draws his dual handaxes, charging forward at the foul creatre.

He yells, “Die motherfucker, die!” as he joins the fray. Inspired, The Lady Kahn dashes forward and springboards herself off of the centurion and onto the back of the tentacled beast.

Chonka executes a series of beautifully choreographed attacks from atop the monster, dragging it closer to it’s demise. The beast falls as Ren sinks a volley of arrows into it. Chonka dismounts and valiantly retrieves her pike. Reeling from the adrenaline of glorious battle, Chonka carves into the fallen carcasses and retrieves a small bounty; some gold, three golden idols, and fine dagger. She secretly pockets the idols and tosses the rest to Ren.

Seeking refuge, they enter a storage room and make rest. That night while they rest, Chonka clutches her secret bounty close to her chest. All is silent but the faint sound of gears turning inside a sentinel standing guard, staring into the darkness and balancing his glaive on the tip of a metal finger…

Session End.

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