Descent into the Undercroft

Session 06

J / January 26, 2021

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had made camp in the Kaldrfjell Temple atrium. They spend the following morning preparing for their descent into the Undercroft.

Chonka makes an addition to the book of Bragian lore and shares a piece written by the hand of another:

Bragi the good, Bragi the great.
Tis not about the accolades you seek.
It is being reviled yet still creating smiles that will bring you to your peak!

Once I played the fiddle.
The strings, the ears they tickle.
Sound plump like a pickle, Notes cut like a sickle.
But the ladies, they were fickle.
It was not riddle, the fiddle, wasn’t it.
So I took my new nickel and purchased a harp.

Ren steps outside the Temple and takes in the peaceful quiet of the early morning. He ponders something for a moment before pocketing a few Prodfoot-produced snowballs.

Azu Kar approaches the statue of the huntress, Skadi, and asks for her blessing as he summons a familiar. This familiar takes the form of a hawk and the name Quill.

The party takes the stairs behind the statue, descending several floors into the catacombs deep beneath the earth. When they reach the bottom, they enter through a door into a long hallway.

Halfway down the hallway Rota stops in his tracks as a ghast enters crawling on the ceiling. A moment later, five more sprint into the hallway with a look of ravenous hunger about them.

Azu slides to the front of the group to cast Burning Hands, scorching the undead horde. The ghasts advance to meet Rota’s glaive as well as a few well placed bolts from Ren’s crossbow.

(whispers) White Lightning

Azu disappears into a dark mist as one of the beasts cuts into him with one of it’s long claws. Chonka and Rota advance together, driving the ghasts backward with glaive and pike.

Bright white bolts of water-like Magic Missles erupt from Iolair’s fingertips and smash into the ghasts. Rota casts Spike Growth, trapping the remaining ghasts in a maze of razor sharp stalagmites.

One of the beasts escapes, lunges forward to attack and is stopped in it’s tracks as a bolt from Ren’s crossbow pierces through it’s neck and severs it’s spine. Azu casts Enlarge on Lady Kahn and she doubles in size. Chonka picks up a ghast and throws it at another as if she were skipping stones. The first dies on impact and the second is launched backwards.

The remaining ghasts struggle to free themselves from the thorns and die trying. After taking a moment to collect themselves, the party proceeds deeper into the Undercroft and discovers the dining quarters that belonged to the monks that used to live here. Ren and Azu excitedly search the kitchen for extra knives.

Iolair casts Minor Illusion and creates a door, locking Azu and Ren in the dining area. A specter springs out of a drawer as Azu opens it. Five more emerge from each direction, surrounding Ren and Rota. One of them lunges for Ren, attempting to siphon his life force. Ren summons a Shadow Blade and thrusts it into his attacker. The specter dissipates into a black, inky smoke as it is destroyed.

Iolair reigns down a feiry hell on the remaining specters with a Fireball from across the dining hall. One of the specters passes through a nearby wall and lunges out of another adjacent to Chonka, slamming her into the wall behind her. Another specter sinks into the floor, passing through it with ease, and returns just behind Rota to feed on his life force.

Chonka tackles the specter and pummels it with her fists as another begins to suck the life force out of Azu. In a frustrated fury, Chonka cleaves one of her attackers in half with her axe, leaving a cloud of inky black smoke and one incorporeal attacker remaining. Azu runs it through with his trident and Rota puts it down with a planar warrior strike.

Reeling from the last two attacks, the party begins to wind down and collect themselves. Ren says, “Hey Azu, catch!” and throws his shadowblade. Azu responds deftly, prepared to catch it, but Ren makes it dissapate at the last moment.

They all share a hearty laugh and a deep breath. There are still many stones to be uncovered yet…

Session End.

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