Delving Deeper Within

Session 10

J / April 20, 2021

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had explored the upper respiratory system thoroughly. At the top of the esophagus, Ren carefully slices into the wall and extracts a vile of acid.

Chonka departs the left lung to find the others and is reunited with Rota. The warforged centurion attaches his Chain of Returning to his glaive and swings it upward, using it like a climbing hook to assist their ascent through the trachea.

As the party regroups, they notice that something has changed. Jormungandr’s heart has slowed. The floor seems to stop lurching underneath them. The winds that have been echoing back and forth nonstop have slowed to an almost gentle rythym.

Had the beast stilled?

While the party discusses their plan, Renvoxlous takes in his surroundings and stops in the direction of the heart. It feels as though he must go. There’s something there that is simply, required. As he casts Armor of Agathys, Ren is covered in a protective spectral force of frost. Chonka and Rota follow as the tiefling walks towards the heart with purpose.

Upon entry to the heart, the torrents observed earlier had calmed to steady streams of blood. In the left atrium, Ren finds a half elf man with red hair and mournful, dark eyes. It seems that because of the bludgeoning delivered by this giant beast’s cardiac muscle, this elf is moments from death.

The man says, “I was working in my fields. I heard the gods were angry, but I didn’t think they were THIS angry.” and perishes with a raspy breath.

As seen before, the body reanimates and presents a riddle:

This thing runs but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks.
Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face. What is it?

After a moment, Azu answers “A clock.”

The lifeless spirit responds eerily, “The world as we know it is bound to the great machine. Like a clock. This one is counting down. There are two choices, to get out by working together or to get out by going…through.”

As seen before, the body disintegrates into an inky black fluid and left in it’s wake is a prize.

It is a javelin of arcane origin. Purple crystals decorate a long length of intricately cast precious metals. It is understood that this javelin is a sort of lightning rod for arcane magic. This is The Channeler’s Spike.

Azu approaches the javelin, trailing a finger along it’s length before hefting it before him for closer inspection. As he does, it seems to magically adjust to his size.

The party discusses next steps and heads downward, further into the belly of the beast.

In a long, dark chamber below they encounter a large, slithering monstrosity; a giant tapeworm like creature.

As Azu sinks an arrow into the creature, Rota Misty Steps his way onto it before leaping into the air. He hurls his chain around it in an attempt to restrain the awful beast. It bucks wildly and hurls Rota into the nearby wall.

The beast bites down into Rota, but reels backward in pain as a bolt pierces into its flesh. From behind the sights of White Lightning, Ren grins with satisfaction. Chonka launches her pike into the worm as rays of Frostbite jet forth from Iolair’s fingertips and explode into the monster.

It screeches in pain as Azu skewers it with the Channeler’s Spike and yells, “Light em up boys!”

Rota blinks from sight and Misty Steps to a location above with his glaive aimed downward. Rota delivers his diving blow as another crossbow bolt pierces the skull and it explodes from the impact.

Ren very carefully carves another notch into his weapon and says, “Looks like lightning struck twice.”

As they collect their weapons, they each experience a vision;

An image of the Dwarven Fire Starters flashes in Chonka’s mind and she hears the word “You.”
An image of the Chain of Returning flashes in Rota’s mind and he hears the word “Have.”
An image of the Atlas Straps flashes in Chonka’s mind and she hears the word “To Work.”
An image of the Channeler’s Spike flashes in Azu’s mind and he hears the word “Together.”

They collect themselves and discuss what they’ve just experienced. Although what comes next is not evident, they are sure of one thing; they must get out of here…

Session End.

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