Out of the Frying Pan, and Into the Fire

Session 11

J / May 04, 2021

Discovered Locations:


  • A sleepy town that consists of the intersection fo two main roads and a small dock for trade ships. This place was once a thriving corner of the Cordelian Coast, but is now filled with abandoned and boarded up buildings. The entire community of townsfolk have been turned mad by a substance called “Red Claw,” except for an old friend of Ren’s.

Volcano Island:

  • On the southern coast of Nidavellir, due West of Misthelm, is an island dusted in volcanic ash. For the first time in a long time, a steady column of smoke can be seen billowing from a large volcano that dominates the island’s landscape.

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they were reeling from visions from an unknown force, urging them to use the magical artifacts together.

They recall legends of Voltron, the great being that was created through the collaboration of many parts. They speak of his domain; the Great Mountain of Votro. They speak of it’s naming, of the Elvin word Vor which means “to be consumed,” and of the Dwarvin word Tron which means “of many parts.”

Drawing inspiration from the stories of old, they decide that these items must be donned by one person and used all at once. Ren draws from his vast collection of daggers and they all draw for the longest. Unexpectedly, Ren loses.

With a Minor Illusion, Ren manifests a vibrant and stunningly ornate dressing curtain. They watch, some in disbelief, others in gripping intrigue as dark blue horns with a singular and sleek twist peek out from above the curtain as the tiefling disrobes behind it. The silhouette dons the magical items and dispels the illusion with a flourish.

Before the others stands a confident rogue, in full nude, seething with arcane power. A devilish grin spreads across Ren’s face as he asks his companions to “aim him in a direction.”

Chonka marks their exit with a thrown handaxe and Ren hurls the arcane javelin with immense power and accuracy. As Ren yanks the javelin back with the Chain of Returning, the ground lurches beneath their feet and piercing shrieks of pain can be heard from the great beast. It has awoken.

Suddenly, Iolair feels a presence behind him and when he turns, sees nothing. A voice whispers into Iolair’s ear: This one’s for you, half-elf. What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, and yet never grows. What is it?

After a short while, he answers “A mountain.”

The voice responds happily, “Correct half-elf. The mountains you traveled through were sleeping. But every beast has a master, even the World Snake. You’re all so very close, but there’s a couple more things you’ll need if you are to proceed down the chosen path.”

Moments later, a pool of black slime pools on the fleshy chamber floor and a magical item surfaces.

From the black ichor, a gauntlet composed of dense layers of metal over tanned leather is revealed. The guantlet holds an ornate metal Ram’s head, whose massive horns sweep backward across the bracer. This is the Gauntlet of the Ram.

Then suddenly, Ren feels the same presence behind himself and the invisible voice slithers: “Your turn tiefling. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?”

Ren immediately answers “A book.” and nothing happens. After a while, Ren tries “A map? and the voice starts to respond “Yes, Renvoxlous. Second time’s a-“

“What the fuck is the difference between maps and books?” Ren interrupts.

Ren waits, grumbling and annoyed, as another pool of black ichor collects on the ground before him and yet another magical item is revealed. Ren reaches down and picks up two twin daggers made of ebony steel, decorated with onyx pommels. Carved into each blade is the figure of a raven. These daggers are Huginn & Muninn.

The nude tiefling starts to assemble each magical artifact and instructs the group to gather behind him. They shall use this arcane javelin to pierce a hole through the side of the Great Serpent.

They charge like a knight at the joust, peeling back the flesh of the great beast as the magical lance rips through it. Jormungandr screeches in pain as the party bursts through it’s side with one final push.

As they pierce the outer shell of scales, the party is immediately aware that they are surrounded by water. Searching frantically, they finally see it; a faint light. The race towards the surface and their lungs start to burn as if they’re on fire. Ren casts Shape Water and they are propelled upwards with incredible speed. Finally, they breach the surface and Ren creates a floating ice block beneath them. They collect themselves and Ren puts his clothes back on.

Just up the coast, they see a well-off looking port town and decide to head towards it. Rota grants the team the ability to Water Walk and they set off for town. As they approach, Ren recognizes the town as Misthelm and mentions an old friend that lives here in town. Tommy was a fellow tiefling that once helped Ren out of a sticky situation.

As the adventurers approach town, they feel as if they are being watched. They walk to the center of town and head toward where Tommy lived on the South side of town.

“Keep your eyes and ears peeled.” Ren reminds his friends as they approach Tommy’s. Ren recognizes the word “Safe” in thieve’s cant above the door.

They enter a building that looks empty and turned over. Something is not right. Suddenly, several bodies fall from the rafters above them and collapse onto the ground in a heap. They slowly pick themselves up and start to stagger forward in a way that can only be described as unnatural. Their eyes are bloodshot. Their mouths are foaming. Their stomachs are unnaturally distended.

As the aggressors dash toward them, the door to Tommy’s house flies open and a man in rogue’s dress yells, “Quick, you need to run. Don’t try to fight them, JUST RUN.”

They burst from Tommy’s house and start sprinting up the street, following the unidentified survivor. Having heard the commotion, a horde of red-eyed civilians has come to investigate. As they head Northward, Ren casts Silent Image in hopes of buying them a few seconds.

Their pursuers all chase a silent image of the party running the opposite direction, slamming into each other as they crash through the illusion with fruitless frustration. As the party approaches the main house near the town center, the rogue motions them through a hole in the fence and ushers them inside.

They dive through the hole in the fence one at a time. As Ren barely makes it through as the horde slams into the fence in piles, clawing away for something. The people seem to want something.

After a short discussion, Ren discovers that their rogue savior is actually Tommy! He’s one of the few survivors left here in town. They briefly speak on what’s happened in Misthelm but decide that the rest will be resumed in the morning.

That night, the adventurers all dream of fountains of liquid gold and a dragon communing with someone through the flames, deep within a volcano.

Over breakfast the next morning, Tommy speaks on the ill fate that has befallen Misthelm. “It’s called Red Claw. These monks showed up and they gave out bottles as gifts at first. Then they started selling it. The town went…mad. Then they got violent. Then they became unrecognizable. There aren’t many of us left.”

The entire town had nearly been lost. This liquor seemed to turn the citizens mad, violent and desparate in their search for more. Luckily, the monks are due in for a shipment today and Tommy has a plan. He pulls out a bottle of a deep red liquor and holds it up to the light.

“I’ve been saving this for a special occasion. For when we needed a real good distraction. That’s where I come in.” Tommy says. “I’m going to draw the horde. You need to go for those monks. You’ll need their boat to get to the island.”

Beyond the safety of Misthelm’s last refuge and out on an island in the Cordelia Blue, smoke can be seen billowing out of the top of a volcano that had been dormant for as long as anyone could remember.

“These people have all given their entire wealth for this stuff and honestly, we haven’t a clue how to turn them back. If you put an end to this, the sum of the collective wealth of Misthelm is yours.” Tommy says.

He looks at Ren and smiles, “See, I knew this was an offer you couldn’t resist. Are you all in?”

Session End.

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