The Great War Part I - The Einherjar

Session 29

J / May 03, 2022

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had just be reunited with Erobelle, the court wizard of Brightcliffe. She had much to share. The gold coast had been viciously pillaged by an army of monstrous evil. The Einherjar. The Army of the gods. Led by Julian Seeder of Hendraheim. All that remained was Brightcliffe.

They make haste to the Resistance camp, in the valley to the north of Brightcliffe. They head to the war tent to meet the leaders of the Resistance. It is there they find a few familiar faces:

  • Yuron Whitemane: Leader of Karstaag
  • Roseguard: Last remaining forces of Roseport
  • Brightcliffe Mages: Students and teachers from the local college
  • Ammon Stormdelver: The dwarven barkeep from the Whistling Kettle

The adventurers quickly learn that they’ll each be commanding an entire battlion of resistance members. They quickly fall into deliberation of war strategy. Erobelle explains that each day they’ve fought and pushed this army of monstrosities back. Each day, they grow weaker and closer to being overrun. They have learned that the Warlock accompanying Julian Seeder is the to their success. The Warlock must be removed from the equation.

Erobelle lays out the plan:

  • Launch an assault on the Einherjar
  • Capture the Warlock and return to camp
  • Interrogate the Warlock
  • Launch an assault on Julian Seeder

With the battle plan laid out, the Resistance marches for the battlefield to meet the legion of evil that waits for them.

The First Day:

  • Yuron positions his battalion in a small forest, preparing to launch an ambush if the enemies draw near.
  • Chonka advances her military unit directly in between three enemy units and begins to taunt them.
  • Ammon positions his battalion between three other enemy units, drawing them to the west.
  • Rota is attacked by an enemy unit and sustains minor casualties.
  • Rota uses blink assault, assassinates one of the Berserker battalion commanders, causing the battle unit to crumble in fear.
  • Ren positions his battalion in a different small forest, awaiting on opportunity to attack stealthily.
  • Yuron charges to Ammon’s aid, clashing into one of the assailing enemy units, and crushing them.
  • Chonka is attacked by an enemy unit and sustains major casualties, but does not crumble.
  • Ren launches an arrow ambush attack from the forest, slaughtering an entire enemy battle unit.
  • Rota charges the enemy Lieutenant’s battalion and uses blink assault, attempting to assasinate the unit leader.

The enemy Warlock Lieutenant looks around and realizes that Rota’s military unit has decimated most of their forces. He raises his staff into the air, his eyes glow purple, and the sky opens up with a torrential downpour. All around the battlefield, ancient runes carved into enemy soldiers begin to glow with a red-hot energy as they begin to rise, reanimated by the Warlock’s immense arcane power.

Suddenly, the screech of a giant eagle can be heard as it soars overhead and toward the Warlock. In a flash of light, the eagle polymorphs into Erobelle. She casts another spell as she runs toward the Warlock, his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he collapses to the ground. Erobelle scoops him up, throws him over the back of a horse, mounts it, and turns toward the direction of the Brightcliffe Gate.

Erobelle looks to her allies and yells, “We’ve got him. Quickly, before they’ve all been raised. We must fall back!”

Session End.

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