Introductions and Interrogations

Session 30

J / May 17, 2022

Summary of Events:

When we left our adventurers last, they had captured the Warlock on the battlefield and fell back behind the barricades to safety.

As the party returns to the war tent, they find the Erobelle pacing back and forth in front of the Warlock, who is on his knees and tied to a wooden post with his hands behind his back. The enemy Lieutenant strains against his bonds, writhing with venomous anger in his eyes, and spitting profanities at his captors.

“This is pointless. I’ll never talk. We will drink your blood,” the prisoner says angrily. “This was over before it started. Get this over with. Kill me. I would sooner die than help you.”

Chonka saunters over to the prisoner, takes a seat, and begins to remove her battle-worn socks in exchange for a fresh pair. The Warlock gags in disgust and tries to back away.

Erobelle sighs and says, “This won’t work. I’ve been going at this guy for hours and haven’t gotten anywhere. Check this out.” She walks over to the prisoner, grabs the back of his head, and wretches it forward, showing the back of his neck to the rest of the party. Carved into the back of his neck, they see bloody runes that seem to glow with an angry heat. Iolair approaches the prisoner, reaches out to touch him, and casts Greater Restoration. A golden light begins to radiate out from his hands, slowly encapsulating the entirety of the Warlock. Suddenly, another force seems to push back on Iolair’s spell and the golden light of the wave’s healing energy flickers out.

Erobelle rushes forward excitedly and says, “Wait a minute, that almost worked. I’ve got an idea. Can you do that again Iolair? But this time, let’s work together. Everyone, do as I do.” Erobelle puts a hand on Iolair’s shoulder and gestures for the others to do the same.

“We will be arcane conduits for energy. You can do this” Erobelle says and nods at Iolair.

Fear flashes across the eyes of the prisoner and he begins to yell. “You will not defeat us. We will harvest your blood. We, the Einherjar, serve the Odison and Odindottir. Tyr HIMSELF guides me.” The golden light spreads across the prisoner’s body, faster this time. He yells, “I have the might of Magni, the luck of Modi–“ The prisoner is suddenly cut off as the wave of energy takes him over. They hold, waiting, as they see the prisoner’s eyes begin to change. Unbridled anger and hatred are slowly replaced by sadness and overwhelming fear.

The Warlock falls to the ground in a heap, overcome by exhaustion. He can be heard quietly mumbling, shaking with fear:

“I am Thomas. I am Thomas A. Kar. Son of Azu. Man of Roseport.”
“I am Thomas. I am Thomas A. Kar. Son of Azu. Man of Roseport.”
“I am Thomas. I am Thomas A. Kar. Son of Azu. Man of Roseport.”
“I am Thomas. I am Thomas A. Kar. Son of Azu. Man of Roseport.”
“I am Thomas. I am Thomas A. Kar. Son of Azu. Man of Roseport.”
“I am Thomas. I am Thomas A. Kar. Son of Azu. Man of Roseport.”

Ren approaches, and asks, “Does anyone have some water? He is no harm to us. His demons have been cleared.” Ren cuts the binds around the Warlock’s wrists.

Iolair gasps, realizing that this is the long-lost son of the friend they lost in the Volcano, Azu Kar. He approaches Thomas and says, “Thomas, we once traveled with a brave man named Azu. He was an important part of our journey to get here. We hope that you would be able to help us on our journey. We hope that with your help, the Kar family can go down in history as heroes in the events about to unfold.”

Thomas’ eyes light up with hope and he says, “What, wait, you knew my father? Where? Oh man, is he..did he……Did he find peace?”

“Yes, he found the peace he was looking for. I think he would be so happy to know that we found his son.”

Rota speaks up and says, “Wait, I thought he was eaten by that dragon?”

Thomas yelps, shocked and grief-stricken, “Hold on, what? He’s…what? My father is dead?!”

Ren answers, “He has been avenged. The beast that killed him was slain by my hand.”

Thomas says, spirit broken, “If you could see the things that I have done. The things I helped HIM do. Why….Why would the gods have given up on us?”

“I do not believe they all have,” Iolair answers. “I cannot believe that.”

“If you had seen the things that I have seen. If you had done the things I have done, you would believe it,” Thomas says. “There may be something. There’s critical communication, always on a scroll, kept within a necklace that General Seeder wears across his next at all times. Whatever it is, he doesn’t trust anyone but himself with it. You must get it.”

As the adventurers begin to discuss what Thomas has just told them and formulate a plan for the following day. Suddenly, Thomas’s eyes turn into two black pits of darkness and a voice speaks through him.

“This is over. You don’t stand a chance against us. We have taken your world by force. Either give your lives to serve us or DIE.”

Tommy tears a portal open with a glowing dagger and dashes for it. Ren and Chonka both are quick to notice and each throws a weapon hurling after Tommy. Ren teleports to him as his dagger lands and he plunges his dagger into Thomas’ collarbone. He screams in pain and promptly passes out. The rest of the party ties Thomas back up.

They take a moment to consider their prisoner. Ren studies the runes carved into the back of Thomas’ neck. He has a thought and asks his friends, “Hey, does anyone have a little fire magic? I know why this curse hasn’t broken. It’s still bound to him by these. We have to cut them out.”

Ren tightly grabs a handful of Thomas’ hair and starts to carve. As soon as Ren has finished, Thomas screams in pain as the same runes begin to carve themselves into his forehead with searing red-hot energy. The warlock then passes out and crumbles to the floor.

They take a moment to collect themselves and finalize their plan. Somehow, their greatest battle still laid ahead.

The Plan

  • Rota is going to camouflage himself in the field and wait for Seeder to approach. Ambush attack.
  • Yuron and Ammon will attack from the front, drawing Seeder into the ambush kill box.
  • Chonka and Iolair will provide support from the rear.
  • Ren and Erobelle will attack from the cliff. Erobelle will turn Ren into a hawk so he can fly overhead stealthily and snag the necklace.

Session End.

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